Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trauma Based Total Mind Control-Needed National Security Tool or Diabolical Weapon of Satan!

Totally Mind-Controlled!

Almost Absolutely Helpless!
Extremely Dangerous!
Could Be a
'Trusted' Friend or Neighbor Near You!

With the Best of Christ and Him Crucified to You!

'One New Man-GPR-Plus'

Extreme Trauma Total
Controlled People(1)

(Satan’s Evil Coercive Way)

1. Enslaving           2. Turmoil imparting 
3. Distressing        4. Impatient 
5. Endangering     6. Hateful 
7. Draining            8. Unforgiving 
9. Deceitful           10. Improper correction 
11. Debauching     12. Depleting 
13. Severe, twisted ego control 
14. Twisted judging

Demon Empowered
          Individuals put through Trauma Based Mind Control Programming need your fervent effectual prayers and your love in the Lord in thought, word and deed. They have been through extreme ongoing severe psychological, physical and spiritual abuse, generally from their earliest days, abuse almost to the point of causing their death at times and/or a complete mental breakdown.

Stop! It’s Absolutely Recommended
that Certain People
Should Read and Ponder this Warning
Very, Very Carefully
Before Proceeding any Further
with this Material !!!

         While reading this section on Deliberate Trauma Based Mind-Controlled Programming if you begin to experience strange, adverse, frightening reactions than you should very possibly stop reading this section for the time being, pray to God for help immediately, preferably in the Name of Jesus if possible, or if you're more comfortable praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then pray to that one. 
         Next, we would recommend you consider seeking capable real Christian counseling in sorting through this section as it relates to your life.
         The reason for the warning is that if you've been put through this kind of programming you could have a very, very adverse psychological reaction to an unassisted and improper reading of this or related and especially more explicit material.

Some examples of a bad reaction 
      could be:



3-Mental blockage


5-Strange thoughts

6-Psychosis of one form or another


         So, if after reading this and sensing an adverse reaction setting in; then, if you insist on reading this part of the outline on Trauma based mind control by yourself without proper assistance, then at least I would suggest you consider parsing this portion of the outline in very small portions over a period of many months. 

         A possible safe speed to read this material by oneself, just might be a sentence or two, at most, per day or every few days.

Week After Week

          This kind of (Extreme Trauma Total Mind Control) training goes on week after week, year after year until the programmers have skillfully created an extremely controlled split personality puppet. These Manchurian candidates can then be manipulated in all kinds of situations to perform all kinds of actions (Without them even having the slightest sense in their regular presenting personality, that they're involved and key players in all kinds of heinous, immoral, cruel, manipulative, hateful crimes against humanity, their fellow human beings and even the ones they love most).

These People
         These people can be used in such activities as spying, stealing, killing, harassing, controlling, threatening, sabotaging seducing and blackmailing. These people can be used in passing messages or in other ways and as total recall agents when brought along to important meetings or as in regards to documents or information.

Don’t Even Realize
         After performing these acts, as we've mentioned earlier, these Slaves are not even able to realize or recall what they’ve done, why, to whom, where or when. 
         In the minds of the perpetrators, that’s part of the beauty of a multiple personality Total Mind Controlled Slave, along with the other aspects included in the following list:

5 Aspects of a
Extreme Trauma Mind-Controlled Slave
    1-These at times are super-enhanced individuals for secret, at times very important special projects;
    2-These people are like puppet-slaves;
    3-They are very untraceable as to the people behind their actions;
    4-They have virtually no knowledge within their Regular Presenting Personality as to how they are being used, when, why and against whom;
    5-They often times are extremely helpless in regards to extracting themselves from this diabolical MPD-Slave nightmare they are ensnared in.
    6-Sometimes they come to some degree of understanding about their disorder and than attempt, largely on their own to a limited degree, to mitigate their multiple personality disorder and/or their mind control programming, but for the most part it's a semi futile exercise in coping.

Thousands and Thousands,
Maybe Millions!
        In my firm opinion and many, many others, we definitely need to fight this atrocious activity which some believe numbers in the millions, but certainly I believe and many others believe these people number in at least the 10’s of thousands.


Misguided, Wicked and Destructive 
        These perpetrators who program, handle and control these poor Mind Control Slaves and those who are financing, legislating in favor of, developing, researching and refining this Mind Control ‘Technology’ are, in my firm opinion, some of the most misguided, deceptive, wicked, destructive people on the Planet Earth.

They Need to Repent and 
Fight This Evil 
        Furthermore I do believe that these despicable engineers and promoters of this wicked manipulation and control mechanism need to thoroughly repent, make amends and fight this evil on the face of the earth.

Deserve Execution, Unless … 
         Finally, I strongly hold that these Godless, wicked manipulators need to be brought to justice and unless they sincerely and with great daring help us to fight this evilness of the highest order, I believe they should be executed for their Heinous Crimes against Humanity. 
        And if there be no law to carry out the aforementioned then I urge, as God leads and enables, that the appropriate laws be written and passed as expeditiously as possible

Total Mind Control:
(Some Ref. which may enlighten and some possible examples: Monroe, Oswald, Sirhan, Hinkley, Forrestal, 

J. V., B. G., A. G., & G. B.)

Thanks for the Memories, Brice Taylor;
Trance Formation of America
    Cathy O’Brien/Mark Phillips; 
A Mind of My Own (Eve tells her story),
    Chris Costner Sizemore; 
First Person Plural – My Life as a Multiple
    Cameron West, Ph.D.

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
     Undetectable Total Mind Controlled
     SlaveCisco Wheeler/Fritz Springmeier; 
Deeper Insights into the Formula (Mind
     Control Formula), Springmeier/Wheeler

Uncovering the Mystery of MPD
     James G. Friesen, Ph.D.; 
More Than One – An Inside Look at
     Multiple Personality Disorder
     Terri A. Clark, M.D.;
Jennifer and Her Selves (A session-by-
     session account of a MPD treatment)
     Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf; 
Diagnosis & Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder,
     Frank W. Putnam

Operation Rescue
       “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will He not repay each person according to what he has done?”  Prov. 24:11-12 NIV
       “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; Seek justice, reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, plead for the widow.”  Isa. 1:16-17 NASB

How does
the Last 45 Days
tie into the Last 51 years?

Are we
living in the last days of this Earth?

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