Tuesday, June 7, 2016

It's Just 50,000! Why are we so Afraid, so Manipulated and so Paralyzed?

The Targeted 90% !?!?
Not Afraid to Act!
.......Here's a place where the country's top echelon is not afraid to pick up the ball and run, when the other side falters in a very serious and extremely damaging way, in regards to the whole nation!
Severely Broken!
.......Egypt, at this time, is seriously, severely broken; it's just recently deposed government was apparently very detrimental to the nation in many very important ways,
Not Paralyzed!
.......But, there were and are people, in the land of the Pyramids, who have what it takes to pull a dying Egypt out of the fire and who are not so paralyzed, ignorant, fearful or careless, that they are unable to take the very substantial steps needed, to correct the situation, even though there is extreme risk and peril to themselves and to their families.
Seem to be Frozen!
.......Unlike in other places, such as ours, where there is extreme wealth, 'great freedom' and an ever increasingly powerful surveillance and control mechanism; yet, it seems that many of the people here in the Higher Echelons,
.......who know and the ones who could and should know about the alleged criminal injustices, in regards to Aids, Cancer, Nutrition, Fluoride, Baby Wellbeing, Various Countries (Including Ours) International Banana Republic Mentality and Behavior, certain areas of Higher Education, Natural Treatments, and so forth), being perpetrated against so many throughout our beloved country (about 300 million U.S. Citizens) and the rest of the world (about 6.5 billion),
.......Are, it appears, frozen in time, paralyzed and helpless to act in any way against these heinous activities, by these sweetly dressed, extremely smooth talking Angels of Death!
Maybe They're Just Too Busy ... ?!?!
.......What could be the bottom-line problem with these individuals, who have so much power, so much knowledge (Or tools to gain the knowledge needed) so many levers at their disposal and that are so gifted, but are sitting on their hands in these matters?
.......It seems as though they're just too busy or brainwashed or intimidated, or just plain careless in regards to such matters, that nothing, near as I can tell, is happening to take charge of and redirect our country in a better way; a way which would be more along the lines of 1776!
A Deer in the Headlights!
.......So, we see all these millions of people from mid level management all the way up to the top levels of leadership, just sitting in the road while a huge tractor trailer truck barrels down upon them, like a deer in the headlights, unable to move or to even investigate, to see if anything is amiss.
Many Do Know, But ...!
.......It amazes me that their are so many here, who do know what's really going on, or could know, that are stuck in this rut of inaction, ignorance, paralysis, fear, carelessness or what have you, in regards to what seems to be an overbearing, extremely destructive, evil, naive cabal,
Just 50,000!
.......When in reality, as I've mentioned before, my understanding of these so called conspirators, that supposedly don't exist and are nothing more than figments in our imaginations, is that there's no more than about 50,000 worldwide that are throwing this train off the cliff, and yet, they've managed to infiltrate and take some measure of control, of every level of society, 
.......By means of either themselves directly, their agents who they pay, or force to do their bidding through blackmail, through Total Mind Control Programming or by some other nefarious means!
Manipulating Everything!
.......These are the people who are allegedly manipulating this world from behind the scenes, using deceptive and misleading mass media techniques, the education system, all kinds of destructive entertainment venues and so forth, into more and more surveillance, control, disease, death, fear, and subservience.
Many are Fearful, but ...!
.......I understand that many are ignorant, fearful, unsure of what to do, but doesn't this action of the Egyptian Military give us some light on the solution?
.......Did not General Kenan Evren, in around 1980, of the Turkish Military, show us a way, to deal with these alleged mass murderers, these alleged destroyers of our financial/economic system, these alleged purveyors of mass deception, hate and death?
'The George Washington' of Turkey!
.......Don't the Young Turks and 'Ataturk', just after the time of WW I, give us some ideas, as to what to do next?
If this be True ...!
.......If certain elitist of our country and in the world, are actively, currently killing us off by the 100's of millions through:
...1-Bad, defective, incomplete medicine;
...2-The supposed man-made Aids and other virus';
...3-Bad nutritional advice;
...4-Severely defective food supplies;
...5-So-called Free Trade;
...6-Completely unsubstantiated and extremely detrimental false Science like the Theory of Evolution;
...7-And various other means!
.......Should we not act, act swiftly, firmly and to whatever extent needed, within the bounds of love, truth and justice!
Take the Steps ...!
.......Let each one of us, this day, resolve that this Beacon of Light, Hope and Peace, to all Mankind, with God's help, shall not perish, but shall with our God empowered efforts be rescued and brought back to being that Shining City on a Hill, 
.......Empowering everyone it touches with truth, love, peace and freedom! And may we be those people, that take whatever steps are necessary, within reason and within the Almighties gracious plan, as we are able, 
.......To make this dream a reality, soon, before it's too late and before they've misguidedly thoroughly ruined this world and killed off the so-called targeted 90% !!!
If We Continue In Him …!
.......”... If we continue in the Plan of the Almighty's Holy Anointed Messenger, then we are truly a fruitful member of His Family and we shall know the Forthright Clear Reality of Life and this clear-sighted understanding of this world, it's people and God's Holy Plan, shall set us truly free!” John 8:31-32 onm-plus-v 
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