Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gun-Grabbers are an Extreme Danger in America!

Pillars of Our Security

and Freedom
One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban Sen. Dianne Feinstein will propose a new federal ban on some assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, as well as on ammunition magazines that exceed 10 rounds.

America's Greatest Communicator 

I'm kind of tired, so beware of putting too much stock in what I'm about to say. I watched a fair chunk of President Obama's State of the Union speech and I would like to say a few things in that regard.
.......1) I tend to view him as one of America's greatest communicator's ever.
.......2) I tend to believe many of his ideas, desires and plans for our people and country are quite laudable, at least on the face of it.
.......3) I do however disagree with the President, at least on some issues, one of which is the Gun Issue. I'm thinking that people with his views of demanding increased gun owner background checks, increased restrictions on assault weapons and on the size of the ammo clips, because of a few thousand gun deaths a year, many times, mean well, but are very misguided.

The Global Conspiracy to Grab Guns
I view these limited to severe Gun Grabbers as either: 1-Naive; 2-A fool; 3-Living in a Semi-Fantasy World; or 4-Somehow tied into and having a part of the Global Conspiracy to Control the whole planet, every country and all the people living here! Don't get me wrong, I think the President is a very intelligent and gifted person, very articulate and persuasive, quite educated and well-informed with many great ideas for moving our country forward and upward!

Pillars of Our Security and Freedom
But, I view him and others with even this limited gun grabbing view, as true threats to our security and freedom! To me and many in this great land there are various extremely important safeguards and pillars to our having a just and free society in these United States:
1) A Bible/God based and under-girded society;
2) Our English/European/Roman-Greek background/under girding;
3) The new inflow of immigrants;
4) Our various Governmental Institutions (i.e.: House, Senate, Judicial Branch, National Guard, U.S. Military, State and City Governments and so forth) and the manner in which they're set up and operate;    
5) The various non-governmental institutions (Churches, Non-Profit Organizations, Media Outlets (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Books, Fliers and so forth);
6) The various tools available to our governments, media, schools, churches, businesses, institutions, individuals and so forth (Such as the Internet, Mail, Fliers, Physical Store Outlets, Guns, Computers, Pen, Paper and so forth).
Universal Background Checks
A Fabulous Tool for the Would Be Despot!
On the face of it Universal Background Checks sound like a wonderful citizen’s safety securing tool, but wait, think just a moment! Would be despots, dictators, tyrants and mass murders or enslavers love this nationwide policy step, because it makes their planned partial to complete enslavement of the masses much, much easier when they make their move or moves in that direction.
Wow, people with guns who think differently than me will be a problem when I make my massive oppressive, controlling societal changes, but if I have a list of all the gun owners, their names, addresses and so forth, it will be much, much easier to neutralize and control them and everybody else who comes against me. It’s kind of like posting a sign next to your front door: listing all your weapons, their location and who is authorized and has access to each weapon.
That would certainly help Law Enforcement when an unreasonable and irrational situation developed in regards to any of these weapons, but it would alert the criminals and make it much easier for those with evil intent to inflict harm on law abiding citizens, thus the benefit of such an activity is by far greatly outweighed by the greatly increased danger engendered by such a foolish city, state or country wide policy.
Just consider what happened after the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Red China and other dictatorships confiscated the Guns!     

Dismantling the Pillars
So, to me whenever anyone is demanding a significant dismantling of any of these extremely important pillars to our freedoms, safeguards, and means to security, than very strong alarm bells begin to go off in my head!

In my view, the enemy (whether he/she be a deliberate one or just a naïve well meaning fool) of our freedoms and safeguards is to be guarded against and fought as necessary and to the degree needed. If it means gathering together people, institutions and organizations and then acting in a very strong forceful manner, then so be it!
If it means arresting those people who would either knowingly or unknowingly institute or foster tyranny upon us, than I say do it now and nip it in the bud while there's still time because, just like when an upstanding citizen (who knows and has some skill in martial arts) suddenly finds himself surrounded by several thugs in a bad part of town, intent on doing him harm, doesn't take the initiative and strike first, will most likely suffer severely for having hesitated, even so we need to act before the coffin's secured from above!
Are We Nothing More Than Food For the Beast?
Could it be that some of the Super Elitists view us as nothing more than expendable fodder??? (1st book of Peter chapter 5 verse 8) Who is the Ultimate Meal??? (The Gospel of John chapter 6 verse 53) Who or what should we be feasting on??? (The Gospel of Luke chapter 10 verses 38-42) And how can we know if we have the right diet??? (The Gospel of John chapter 15 verses 1-10) What happens if we don't??? (Philippians chapter 3 verses 17-21)
If Needed, Act, Act Firmly and Fast in God
So in closing, I say if the naïve idealist conspiratorial gun grabbers keep up the insistent drum beat to further control and restrict gun ownership and continue to do other things which are subverting our Constitutional form of Government, than I say it's time to act, to act swiftly, firmly and to whatever God guided and empowered degree is necessary! ONM


~~~~ 'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban Sen. Dianne Feinstein will propose a new federal ban on some assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, as well as on ammunition magazines that exceed 10 rounds.
For More Info:
(Along with other blogspots not listed here)

on the 
International Conspiracy
to Control the World
and to see the Prophetic Plan
for the End of Regular Life
on this Planet
in the Very, Very 
Near Term)

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One New Man-GPR-Plus

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