Saturday, August 6, 2016

Born to Die, that All May Live!

Ready to Die, a True Soldier!


Rev 6, onm-gprplus
A Soldier is born to die,
That others may live.
Yet he's held dear in the hearts and minds,
Of those he serves and protects,
Though these Sentries of Our Land,
Are at the front,
The nation does it's part,
Providing encouragement, drive,
And a means to push the art.

A Great Soldier lives and dies,
In an exemplary manner,
Not as a scoundrel, a slouch,
Nor a treacherous louse.

An Outstanding Soldier,
Performs the mission,
With his own,
Wisdom, skills and valor,
Along with that, of those,
Before, below, with and Above.
The Best Men at Arms,
Are alert, ready and able,
At a moments notice,
To go into the jaws of death,
Until victory is won,
Or breath has ceased!

These Heroic Guardians,
Are humble and meek, but firm,
They're brave, but careful,
Audacious, but measured,
They're practical, yet spontaneous.

In battle, despite great danger, 
The Effective Soldier,
Is not hesitant or fearful,
Capitalizing on opportunities,
And yet he can and will wait,

Our Sentinels of Freedom,
Can be gracious,
But when he makes a blunder,
He fears not,
The owning of his error,
The correcting of his mistake.

A Soldier of the Highest Caliber,
Knows the value of recharging,
Unwinding and communing,
With family, friends and comrades.
He understands the Ultimate, Rejuvenating Miracle,
The Greatest Commander of all!

Our Finest Protectors of State,
Know how important,
The support staff are,
And yet, when called upon,
They will lay their life on the line,
With only a shoestring at hand,

A Valuable and Wise Soldier,
Knows when to attack
And when to make peace,
When to risk a life,
And when to step back.
A True Warrior,
Knows how to take orders,
And when to give them.
He knows how to live,
And knows he must die.
Though his death be,
Just the ultimate daily commitment,
Still, he understands it could end in blood!

Most importantly,
A Soldier knows what he's fighting for,
And from whence his power comes.
What his ultimate objective is,
And who his true comrades are.

A Wise Soldier puts on,
And is skilled with,
Every piece of his battle gear,
And he knows very well, that to serve,
And ultimately die for his country,
Is a truly liberated way to live,
And a surefire method,
To achieve the most for everyone!

So, when you see a Soldier,
I suggest you ponder,
His sacrifice and his service,
The meaning of life,
And the profound value of death.

A True Soldier trains, fights and dies,
That he and others may live,
Hoping that they too,
Become Soldiers,
Ready to die for you and me!

One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
11-27-2017 Rev 6

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