Saturday, August 6, 2016

Building the True, Peace-Imparting Family of God!

The Incomplete Sentence!
Gary P R Plus
(Or ONM.GPR.Plus)
***The Sabbath Puzzle!***
.....In Genesis 2:3 God in the Original Hebrew and a more literal translation, I believe, gives us a faint, hinted glimpse into His Big Master Plan, but in a roundabout puzzle type of way!
***Butchering the Translation!***
.....Most translations butcher and lose what He really said and restructure the sentence into something substantially different than God's actual words in order to make the sentence make sense.
***Filling in the Blank!***
.....But the reality of it is, that He simply spoke in an incomplete sentence: "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God had created to make _____________________! (His Beautiful, Enjoyable, Intimate, Fruitful, Loving and Wonderful Family! (Here's my view of one way to properly fill in this incomplete sentence))" Gen 2:3
To All Building God's True Family 
(Gen 2:3- (Literal Hebrew plus ...))
Gary P R
January 1, 2014
God's Family!
.....Best of Christ and Him Crucified to you  (This is an extremely wonderful salutation, if one truly understands the full import of its meaning) and to all of God's People who are Feeding and Clothing the Other Slaves (Matt 24:43-), who are Mourning the Appointed Feasts (The Appointed Feasts being a picture of the Christian Life-Zeph 3:18 NIV), who are Waiting and Looking for His Coming!
The Four Legs!
.....May His Love, His Truth and His Power Free Everyone (John 8:31-) from any and every kind of Slavery and Empower and Enliven all who will and are Embracing Him, His Way, His People and His Work!
(Along with other blogspots not listed here)

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