Saturday, August 6, 2016

Noble Truths vs Key Principles

Four Key of Life (Buddha vs. Christ)

Buddha verses Christ
The 4 Noble Truths
The 4 Key Principles of Life
One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
June, 20, 2013
       Someone posted a number of wants they had in regards to this life and it triggered me to think of a recent study we did in regards to The Four Key Principles of Living, which was triggered in response to our study of Buddhism which relates back to this person's wants.
       Since her stating of all these various wants tied so directly into Buddha's 2nd so-called Noble Truth, we thought we’d share some of our thinking in regards to how the teachings of Buddha fairs when compared to the teachings of Jesus. And so, we begin with Buddha’s teaching in regards to our unfulfilled wants & desires.
Buddha vs. Jesus
(1) The 2nd Key Principle of All Life that Buddha taught about 2500 years ago was that our unfulfilled wants and desires are primarily what leads to our suffering (Life is suffering).

(2) I would disagree greatly with his 2nd Major Point of All Life! What I would say could and might in fact be the 2nd Principle of Life on this planet is that God has a Wonderful Plan available to all who will seriously embrace it!
(3) In fact I would disagree with all of Buddha's choices for Life's 4 Key Principles.
(4) Buddha says Principle 1 is that Life is Suffering. I would say the 1st Principle of Life would be that there is a wonderful, powerful God who exists, is in control and relates to everyone and everything everywhere.
(5) Buddha's 2nd Key Principle, we've already discussed; that our unfulfilled wants & desires lead to our suffering, and again I would say instead, that the 2nd Key Principle could be easily seen to be that there is a Good & Mighty God who desires to implement a Glorious Plan for all who would embrace it!
(6) Buddha's 3rd Principle is that we need to get rid of our desires and wants and then we will cease to suffer and instead will be happy, at peace and a blessing to mankind.
(7) Again, I don't believe he is right on this one. I would say the 3rd Key Principle of Life would, in fact, be that there is something blocking, hindering, preventing us from experiencing God's Wonderful Plan for our lives, something between us and His Stellar Blueprint.
(8) And finally, Buddha's 4th Principle of Life is that we need to acquire the right understanding, right attitude/desire and put this right understanding and attitude into action in a right way and only then will we truly be moving towards a State of Eternal Bliss, or Nirvana, as it’s termed.
(9) But once again, we would disagree and say that the 4th Principle of Life could easily be said to be that this Wonderful God who is in control has provided A Beautiful Means to bridge the gap between His Amazing Plan and us!

The Conclusion:

Christ and Him Crucified!!!
       So, furthermore, I would just like to say we and millions and millions of others down through the millennia have encountered, embraced, kissed and are now partnering with this wonderful God who we call by many names, but our favorite name, for many of us, for Him, is Jesus; who is the firstborn of creation, the very expression of God Almighty, the Great I Am of both the Jewish and Christian Scriptures!

(1st Key Principle)
       In addition, we would also like to point out that this extremely powerful loving God’s plan, is simply to bring all those who are seriously willing into His enjoyable, growing, loving, intimate and fruitful family.
(2nd Key Principle)
       Also, let us just say that we have come to understand that there definitely is something hindering us from being an intimate member of Christ’s lovely family, and that is Sin, our Id, Ego and/or our Super Ego when it’s off God’s track (unconnected to Him, going our own way, doing our own thing irrespective of God’s desires, His voice, His transformative power, His love and so forth).
(3rd Key Principle)
       So finally, but not least, this amazing Creator, Shepherd, crucified, but resurrected Liberator and Ultimate Guide has provided a way to bridge the gap between we, His wretched, sinful, rebellious children and His Beautiful Family, the Body of Christ and that way is Christ and Him crucified!
(4th Key Principle)
         His Life! Again and to sum up, many millions have and are living Christ and Him crucified. Be assured that we, who still continue to abide in Christ, can testify to the incredible nature of this journey in the Spirit, in His Body, experiencing His love, forgiveness, power, intimacy and simply put, His Life!  onm-gpr-plus-v

(Along with other blogspots not listed here)

Sharing these Booklets
       Friends and like-minded people, we grant you permission, to the extent we are able, to distribute a limited number of copies, or portions of this manuscript, if proper attribution is given (ex.: Courtesy of 'One New Man-Gary P R-Plus'), to friends and like-minded people, to our brothers or sisters and/or potential friends of ours, as a teaching and edification aid, as led by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word became flesh and through whom the world was made.

One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
‘Plumb Line Truth’

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